Nursery tour: my sister’s grey, white & turquoise delight

I just had to share my little sister’s CRISP nursery. You can tell this is her first baby…everything is picture perfect and ready to go…all we need is a baby! I’m afraid as much as I love creating beautiful spaces…both my girls missed out a bit. When we moved here Harper kind of got the treatment (you can see that here) but otherwise their nursery’s were a mixed mess of hand me down stuff all thrown together. As for this next babe growing away in my tum? Well it was going to be a cot in our bedroom…but I just don’t know…maybe I will turn Harper’s room into the nursery and move her room to the guest room…but then where do guests go? See? Cot in our room.

Anyway, I digress. I went in yesterday morning to take some shots. Of course Frank had visited earlier and left a poo on the floor, but to keep things comforting for me. My sister was horrified of course.

The room is all ready little one…come on out and enjoy!

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Isn’t it ADORABLE?
Did you create a beautiful nursery for your baby?


  1. That’s just gorgeous. I love the cloud coathanger thingys. My first baby slept in the garage for the first 6mths (we slept there too so she wasn’t banished or anything!). She spent the next 6mths in our wardrobe… It’d be fair to say, interior design isn’t my thing really!

  2. What a fabulous space she has created for her little person. Lucky little baby. I did nurseries for both my little ones. I loved doing it. Master 3 is now receiving a makeover from nursery to little boy’s room and Miss 1 needs a bit of a tart up… I was never 100% happy with her space but It’s lovely nonetheless. Jx

  3. What a lovely room that is. I fondly recall getting everything ready for my first baby, I get a bit nostalgic thinking about it! Wish I had taken as many photos back then as I do now!

  4. Gorgeous neutral colours. Love it! It took me about 6 months to get my sons nautical themed nursery sorted then moved just before he turned 1 and I still haven’t finished putting it back together and he is 16 months. Decorating is not my forte. Re the girls – could they share? Then You could have a nursery and a guest room. Win win. I was always against sharing but have heard such positive stories from others that it has helped there kids to sleep well as they know their brother/sister is in the room

  5. Ha ha…those lucky first borns!
    C’s nursery was perfect…quilts, wall stickers, a mobile, baskets neatly filled with nappies under the change table.
    This baby has a bassinet that is currently sitting on the floor in our guest room!

    We have the same where to put baby debate…I know for the first six months or so the baby will be in with us…but after that I am just not sure.
    In with C I think otherwise we lose our guest room/study/room where all the stuff that doesn’t have a home goes.

  6. Oh I love it! Beautiful colours. I have been not-so-secretly pinning gorgeous nurseries for years in anticipation of one day having need for one! I can’t wait til I get to deck out a nursery, I think there will be arguments with my husband on aesthetics v practicality though. I’d like to think there is a happy medium.

  7. That is one of the gorgeous nurseries I have ever seen. So simple but so beautiful. Can’t wait to see yours Beth. How are you feeling today, better than Saturday morning I hope?

  8. Your sisters Nursery is beautiful so fresh and crisp ! My first had all the trimmings , freshly painted room, all new furniture that matched, matching light and change table pad, beautiful upholstered feeding chair. All set up weeks , no prob months before hand! This time around , (6 yr gap) baby will be here in 2 weeks today (yep 14 days!!!!!) and we just put up the change table and bassinet in our room on Saturday ! There is no other room until we extend the house and you know what I’m ok with that.

  9. 3rd baby always gets its own room don’t you know! Only way to get any sleep 😉

  10. My three each had a room to themselves as babies, right from the minute I brought them home. New paint and flooring and new colours on cupboards. What was most important to me was the chair I had for feeding them. That had to suit me perfectly. First night home for #3 was very hot so we brought him into aircon in main bedroom. Next night he was back in his room, I could not cope with new born squeaks and grunts.

  11. that is a gorgeous room beth!
    hope your sister is doing well!
    love m:)X

  12. Lisa Mckenzie says

    It’s beautiful yes we had a nursery it was mint as well,I do hope her baby decided to come out soon,poor girl.You cracked me up saying Frank did A poo on the floor don’t you love puppies beth x

  13. Danya Breman says

    Gorgeous nursery! We did budget neutral first, matchy and a bit flash 2nd, this one will be here in a week and has a bassinet in our room and the rest of the house is chaos as I try and rearrange the rooms – we are losing the guest room and I don’t know where all that stuff is meant to go either? Like the teepee, and craft box, and wrapping paper and suitcases? Send help ASAP 🙂

  14. Holly SIROTIC says

    Beautiful space!
    Can you tell me where that wood/white cloud mobile is from? I’m decorating no 3’s room right now and LOVE It. Thanks xx

  15. LOVE LOVE LOVE her colour scheme. Emily came early and we moved house 3 days before she arrived so her nursery wasn’t done. Then after she was born I struggled to figure out the whole feed sleep blah blah routine so still never done. Since then we’ve moved 3 times but next year we finally get our own forever house and I have big plans for a big girls room. Better late than never!
    What about putting the girls together, making Harpers room a nursery and you still get to keep the spare room?

  16. Ah, we had Gen in our room for 6 months, and Toby for 18 months!!! They were going to share (and still do) so he didn’t ever get a nursery, and she had her own room – when she moved in she already had a big bed in there, set up for visitors! I never had the nursery decorating gene it seems! We put a mobile over the cot, a rocking chair went in our room as well as the change table and that was that! So it seems Toby has always co-slept (apparently it’s called that when you share a room, even if it’s not the same bed!). At this point in time the kids love being in together, when that changes I suppose we’ll have to give up the spare room.

  17. What a perfectly beautiful space for your new niece or nephew, just precious. I love the colour scheme. Simple, lovely, and yes, very ‘first baby’ – I’ve quickly figured out what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to Eleanor’s nursery. We had Matt’s grandfathers rocking chair in there which I NEVER used because Eleanor slept beside the fire every night for 3 months it was so cold so I never actually fed her in her room! But I’m so glad I did all my faffing about and anal decorating when I was pregnant because she does have a semi-reasonable room these days. I’m very undecided whether to go forth and do a full blown re-zjush to make it a bit girlier/practical/able to grow with her, or just leave it as is fairly gender neutral, as not sure if that room would be shared with future sibling…hmm. Anywho, here it is in all it’s glory pre-Eleanor:

    I actually shot those photos, uploaded them and blogged it lying on our couch/pacing the kitchen in bloody agony, sent home from hospital for the second time while I was in labour (for FOUR FREAKING DAYS WITH A POSTERIOR 9 POUND BABY IN MY VERY SMALL FRAMED PELVIS) Whooollle other story… 😉

  18. Oooh I do love a first baby nursery. Such planning, such anticipation and expectation. Wishing your sister a speedy delivery and a healthy bub. Kindest regards Jacqueline

  19. So much to love in this room. My baby spent his first night back from hospital in a cot in our room last night. Not sure where he’ll go when he outgrows the cot.

  20. Such a gorgeous nursery! I love the colours. Our nursery has remained the same since we had our first bub but I’m going to give it an update once Phoebe moves in there. She’s been sleeping in our room from birth. I moved my office so all three girls could have their own room.

  21. Hi Beth,
    I have two gorgeous little girls and I never found out the sex of the baby until the day they entered this beautiful world… Here is my decorating method for babies/kids.

    1. Decorate in a neutral palette when you are pregnant and don’t know the sex of your baby.
    2. When your baby has arrived, embellish/build upon this and firm up the colour palette.
    3. When your baby is around 6 months +, they tend to have their own personality and you will probably want brighter colours or brighter highlight colours to work back with the neutrals. Your little one will gravitate towards certain things and certain toys will be special and suddenly your child ends up with a room that is a little bit of you and a lot of them. It will be gorgeous.

    Beth, Please holler when you want the You & Boo Cot Sheets. They’re yours.


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