Welcome BBQ

Last night we had our first “official” birthday celebration as almost all of the guests (bar 3) have arrived from all the various corners of the world. It was a BBQ dinner on the terrace on the loveliest of warm evenings. Can we talk about the 22kg’s of meat that we ate? (not sure if we ate ALL but we gave it a very good going over). I discovered the joy of a piece of pork belly cut lengthwise into a reasonably thin piece, some salt and cooked over the coals. MY WORD. Will be giving that a good run when we get home.

The evening was so much fun – a delicious dinner and a good old fashioned dance afterwards. The party has officially begun!

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  1. How amazing to share it all together.
    Now you didn’t talk about the wine? Was there a good 22 litres consumed?

  2. Is this loveliness for real? Such photogenic locations and beautiful people, I so enjoy being along for the virtual ride. Delighted to see the families together eating, resting, relaxing, laughing…not a thrill ride, or video game in sight. Your kids will have the best scrapbook of memories!

  3. what fabulous photos! looks so relaxing and fun – and that table setting, with that view, just gorgeous 🙂

  4. That sunset! divine! I want to paint it!

  5. I am so totally loving your posts! What an absolutely stunning place to visit, and even better to hang out with all your family! Your Brother is one lucky guy! Happy Birthday to him, and keep those pics coming! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Annie Maurer says

    Perfect…..pictures say a thousand words……all that love!! Treasure your time with family….so precious. Love sharing some of it with you Beth….thank you lovely lady. X

  7. Is Croatian wine good? Details please x

  8. You’re making this part-Croatian girl ache to visit her homeland (well, one of three of them).

  9. Margaret says

    Yes to the pork belly, and I spot some cevape…I’ll have some of those too!!! Yum! Loving the photos, what a glorious holiday.

  10. Delicious! Your brother looks Croatian. Don’t you think so?

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