Over the Back Fence {Season 3 Ep 8}


This week Neighbour and I hit the pavement and have a walk while we talk about the big issues, as ever: drunk tattooing, Jane Austen, casseroles and ageing rock stars. There’s something for EVERYONE there!

You can listen here:

Or you can download to your device through iTunes here:


  1. I have been meaning to tell you that I am really enjoying your podcasts. They’re fun to listen to while I run, and I look forward to what you and Neighbour chat about this time! x

  2. crazyspeedylove says

    I have told you before – God I love Over the Fence. Put the kids in front of the TV and listen away! I have to laugh at your “paying at a restaurant” chatter…my husband and I always talk about it in the taxi before we get there, for that exact reason – nothing worse than dividing up the bill per number of drinks drunk or not drunk!!. Plus we had this issue over the weekend with 50 year old women at Grandma’s 80th Lunch. Hate it!!! xx Looking forward to your next episode! xx

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