Well played Mr Mac

Alternate title: how to get laid**except in the case of having to be awake the next morning at 4.15am in which case the only laying going on was in bed. Asleep. For just 5 hours. 2 of which were spent awake wondering what on EARTH I was thinking agreeing to go on National TV discussing linen cupboard management.

I got some very good gifts. A book on restaurants in NY and a Frankie subscription. Nice one.

We gave each other very strange cards both of which featured things on heads. I’m not quite sure what on EARTH was going on with Rob’s card. Why the woman is holding fish? Why she has a lobster on her head? I suppose the same could be same for mine. In any case, I like them. A lot.

Instead of going out for dinner, which can be kind of unexciting on a Tuesday night, Roberto offered to cook me dinner. A fancy dinner. Well, I kind of suggested he do so, but he agreed and took to the menu planning with gusto.

I did get the champagne. Well DER.

The only request I had for the menu was TASTY. If there is one thing he can do, it’s tasty FANCY food. The man loves to style a dinner plate at any given chance – even nuggets get the treatment with a fancy smear of tomato sauce. The girls are usually unimpressed. I do like his dedication to his craft though.

Entree was tuna tartare. I KNOW! He used my scone cutter to make it round. Fancy!

We’re talking a layer of avocado, then the tuna tossed in olive oil, S&P topped with coriander. The sauce was a mirin, sesame oil, olive oil, wasabi scenario and it was VERY good.

Am currently married to a lumberjack. And he’s OK.

Best bit about eating dinner at home and not a restaurant is that you can totally ask for seconds and get a whole other serving. What can I say? Am piggy.

Then came the main. Chang Mai PORK BELLY. Cooked on the BBQ with some kind of delicious dripping sauce and a come what may green papaya salad. Meaning that he could not find any green papaya so used bean sprouts instead. It was AMAZING.

Even had some extra pork belly too. Washed down with an ice cold chardonnay and then followed by a Cadbury cream egg (I was on dessert) it was the perfect meal. I think I’m going to suggest some more of these dinners – beats getting a babysitter!

Thank you Rob. It was a magnificent feast!

I’m sure I missed something in these recipes, if you have questions I can direct them to the chef.


  1. Oh I’m envious. My husband is away at the moment so we spent our wedding anniversary yesterday apart. On a brighter note, loved seeing you on the telly this morning, you’re a natural. xToni

  2. OMG! Why WOULD you go out for dinner when you can get this stuff at home!

    Happy Anniversary guys 🙂

  3. Traci Sparkle Devlin says

    What a wonderful 24 hours you’ve had ladycheeks. Happy eight years to you and Rob x ps you’ve totally gotta put out for that meal!

  4. Thanks for the “I’m a lumberjack” earworm. And happy happy for the rest of it!

  5. Yummo! My compliments to the chef – on his hipster beard AND mad cooking skills.

    And Happy Anniversary sweets!

    Gabs x

  6. YUM!
    *copies, pastes, forwards link to husband*

    (but would you believe they don’t sell proper pork belly here?! It’s all been de-fatted/skinned! I’ve ordered it specially from the butchers, but when we got it, it was still covered in HAIR!!!! They just don’t do it right here, and have never even heard of crackling!!

    • Oh my STARS. If I could send some over I would. You know, sometimes when we get our pork belly from the butcher, you can still see the nipples on it. Eeeew! Except that I still eat it.

  7. Happy anniversary…I am going to not so subtly mention this post to my husband in the hopes that he will raise the bar this year!

    I missed you this morning but I am about to go and look for the link!
    I have no doubt that you were great that they will be wanting you back for weekly segments!

  8. Home cooked meals are often so much better than those eaten out and what a fabulously clever husband you have and such a delicious meal. A great end to a fantastic day. x

  9. So pretty! In fact, so pretty I will excuse the fact that I have Monty Python and the mounties/lumberjacks running through my head now C: Dear Husband has mastered crepes and that is it so far-I see there’s still hope.

  10. Saw you on the telly over at Woogsworld – you were fabulous. And the sheet folding was news to me.

  11. I love date nights at home! This looks so intimate, Beth. The ambiance and lighting… and what to go with the Creme Egg for dessert. My fave!! Fi xx

  12. Well played indeed. What a lovely gesture. Happy anniversary!

    I’ve added your post to Francesca’s Festa of Favourites for March http://francescawriteshere.blogspot.com.au/2013/03/francescas-festa-of-favourites-march.html

  13. That looks amazing – you’re sure married to Mr Right. Happy anniversary.
    I want the recipe of the bean shoot Asian salad – I have a bag in my fridge that I must use soon.

    • I think the dressing was garlic, ginger, palm sugar, soy and fish sauce and then just the bean shoots, coriander and cherry toms chopped up – delish!

    • Mr BabyMac says

      Hey Carly – the salad is super easy. Crush one large clove (or two small) of garlic and then pound them with a mortar and pestle. Half about half a dozen cherry toms and gently pound them in the mortar squeezing out all their juices. Halve and deseed two (or more depending on taste) small hot chillies, roughly chop and gently pound in the mortar to release their heat. mix with the bean shoots in a bowl (you can also add green beans if you want but I don’t). Then make the dressing which is simply 1 1/2 tbsp of fish sauce, juice of a lime and 1 1/2 tbsp palm sugar. Pour dressing over and toss and add some fresh coriander.

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