My friend Mrs Munro came over for dinner last night and because she is a lady when she asked what she could bring it took me approximately 3.4 seconds before I replied “Your fancy hot olives, YOUR FANCY HOT OLIVES!”. They are that good.
If you fancy an olive with a drink (which I often find I do) take a container of Sicilian olives and kalamata olives & drain. Chop up garlic finely and into a saucepan throw in some olive oil, the garlic and a whole heap of fennel seeds then whack those olives in. Warm them, coat them, stir and toss them in that oil then serve in a bowl.
You know what else she did? These.
I didn’t get the exact recipe but they were dates split, with a little Gorgonzola inside…warmed UP. Then she had a warm honey vinaigrette (so I guess some honey & red wine vinegar or something similar?) that she drizzled over their back. Yuh. HUH.
We rolled all this with a glass or two of Moet…went down a dream.
This is amazing.
Dammit. Wish I liked Olives.
My mouth is watering just looking at these! Those olives are amazing.
Olives, Dates , Gorgonzola and Moet = all food groups taken care of
We do those dates at our traditional Christmas Eve anitpasto. They are gawjus.
Shit, these look good.
It’s 8pm, we’ve already had dinner and cleaned up {we eat early…..due to kids!}. But I’m tempted to whip up some hot olives!
YUMMMMMMMMMM! Pity I don’t have a bottle of Moet on hand to wash em down with 🙂
no no no and so no. Olives are the work of the devil. I cannot concur. AT ALL.
they are making me gag just looking at them.
Having said that, I am pregnant, so anything at the moment is yucksville.
actually…. even if I was not preggers, it would be a big fat NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
But you do make them *sound* kinda delicious. your fancy with your words like that.
Those dates! Oh my!
Mr FF makes fancy hot olives. For he is Italian, and that’s how they roll.
Those dates look KILLER. Must rustle some up.
I love those dates! I’m so making them on the weekend
ohhhh…I LOVE Olives…Will be giving these a go for sure…Thanks to you and Mrs Munro for sharing! Jx
You have the bestest friends ever!
Making these tonight, along with some grilled haloumi with watermelon, basil and mint. Starter = done.