An afternoon walk

It was a dark and stormy afternoon here so we headed up to the Guggenheim Museum for some culture and indoor activities. This place is another one that has been on my top 5 must do’s in NY as I have always been so impressed by the architecture of the building not to mention all the delights inside.

We jumped out of a cab and bang! There it was! It was a lot smaller than I imagined it to be. And even more beautiful.

A hot dog was eaten out front. For sustenance. And because if you are checking off one thing in the must do’s you may as well do another right? Killing. Birds. Stones.

It was good. And small.

The green of all the trees lining this city and in the park just seem to be extra green and extra beautiful. There’s so much extra in everything in New York. Each time you look down a street or avenue your breath is taken away. It’s just so beautiful.

I can’t wait to come back here one day with Rob – I know he would have loved it. I miss him. And the girls.

We left just as the heaven’s opened up and there is something about the rain over here. It’s chubbier. Thicker. Wetter. And when it comes down, it really pisses down. So I headed for the shops while Mrs W headed back to the apartment for a lie down. Culture will do that to a lady.

I worked my way through GAP and then made a fabulous discovery called UNI QLO which is a Japanese clothing store which sold amazingly good quality and CHEAP clothing. The cotton! Oh my stars the cotton! The thermals made specially for Japan which will work well in the Highlands. And so many choices – it’s quite overwhelming really – all that choice. Needless to say I left with a bag full of goodies.

Next stop? Saks Fifth Avenue. I heard that they had an exceptional sale on at the moment – 70% off designer stuff and then a further 25% markdown on TOP of that. I walked up to level 9 stopping along the way just to take in the sheer beauty of these department stores. They are proper department stores. Bloomingdale’s was the same yesterday and Macy’s less so the day before that. They are well laid out. STOCK! So much stock and staff up the wazhoo. You just have to pause for a moment before someone helps you out – imagine that happening in Sydney. I’ve aged a year waiting for a school size in Myer before.

Speaking of shoes – check out the shoe department at Saks, on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Every designer you can think of. People buying and trying on Jimmy Choo’s. Manolo Blahnik. Christian Louboutin. There might be a recession over here, but there are some people with some serious coin. It’s great people watching – just to sit down and watch it all unfold around you.

I went up to the Designer level but was so out of my element, and tired, that I didn’t stay long. Racks and racks of every designer you can imagine – Chanel, Calvin Klein, Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors, Givency, Dior – all at huge reductions. But really still getting 70% and then another 25% puts this stuff at $1500 an item. Not for me. But great to watch. And the spending! Girls have money to spend and dropping it on fashion is no big deal I suppose.

Of course I went to the Home wares section because while I think they are nice, I’d choose something for my home over my wardrobe any day. How could I pack all that into my bag I wondered?

I walked a little further down the road but it started to get darker and darker. And then the rain started so I escaped into the nearest open door.

Which luckily for me was a dumpling house. I sat on the bench looking out at the rain and looked down at those chinese containers that I always associated with NY and pinched myself again.

Then headed back down the road to home, in the rain. Time, just time to myself is something I am not taking for granted. Not one little bit.


  1. Who needs to come back with a $1,500 pair of shoes when you have memories and photos, like this?

    Heaven on a chopstick!


  2. Sounds – and looks – like you’re having an amazing time. Between you and Mrs W, I’m loving the frequency of your posts .. yep, definitely living vicariously through youse two at the moment!

  3. Anonymous says

    So happy for you. I am a long time reader of your blog. You are just about living my dream holiday. But so glad I can hear your story. Hope the rest of your time is just as awesome. Soak up every little bit. Warmest Regards,


  4. oooh lovely cannot wait to join you now, with or without being called a ****wit, hahaha!

    I am gonna be clicking like crazy!

    looks like you girls are having a great time, super shots

    see you on that side very soon xo

  5. so wonderful xx

  6. I wish wish wish Uniqlo had shops in Australia. I discovered them in London in 2006 and am currently wearing one of their long sleeved tshirts that I got my sister to buy me in 2009. Cheap, and long lasting!

  7. Oh Beth I am sooooo living vicariously through you right now…. :-).. Xo

  8. Mr BabyMac says

    love you. miss you like a bag woman misses bags…

  9. Heidi Fitz says

    so wonderful .. just so wonderful! keep it coming … Hx

  10. LisaLaird says

    All good shopping! Thinking of your girls, do you know of the American Girl store? Amazing doll store. My girls love their “look like me” dolls and accessories. Worth a visit to check out the “only in America” doll hair salon which includes doll ear piercing and hair styling! Heaps of doll outfits, including outfits that you can get for the doll and your child. A little creepy? Initially I thought maybe yes – but my girls get such a kick out of being twins with their dolls.

  11. New York was always pretty high up on my bucket list, but I think it just went to the top, with a bullet.

  12. I’m still really excited for you… but also starting to feel a bit jealous x

  13. Love Saks. The people watching is 11/10. Have fun.

  14. Carly Findlay says

    I’m loving your NYC updates! We got caught in that downpour too – was in credible rain! See you soon I hope x

  15. I love this shopping experience. The shoe shop shot is my fave, those lights and all that colour… Mmmm delirious I tell you. What a great afternoon spent exploring. Living the dream, just living the dream xo

  16. You can really get caught up in this city can’t you? Damn gorgeous. And those department stores are like WOW! Apparently UNI QLO is coming to Australia I heard!

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