Last light

I think my very most favourite thing to do when we have visitors staying with us is the slow walk home from an afternoon tipple at the pub. Yesterday we did just that as we had Rob’s Dad and step mum staying with us for the night. The air was cool, leaves crunching underfoot, the colours spectacular and the cows, well, chewing. I think that sometimes the day saves the very best bit until the very end.

It’s been a very busy couple of days round here – trips to see my Dad at the beach, then back again, and then some visitors here for the night and again this morning on their way through. I’m ready for a quiet weekend of doing not much. Not much at all.


  1. your photos always make me want to move to nsw, beth! so so beautiful. hope you have the most wonderful of quiet weekends x

  2. So… I’m now reading your posts on my phone, while I should be working! Looooove the photos!

  3. Skinnyflatwhite says

    I miss this kind of time in WA – we have stunning sunsets etc but that late afternoon crunch underfoot and cooler light? Love. You’ve made me a little homesick this morn!

  4. I could so do with a stop by the country, it’s very pretty in your parts. Enjoy your quiet weekend.

  5. how beautiful it is in your part of the world! i can almost smell that country air sitting at my desk. have a lovely weekend 🙂

  6. Those pics are gorgeous! Where abouts in Southern Highlands are you??

  7. I love wandering anywhere with the kids.. they make it take so long but they have an adventure just pottering out for milk.. countryside lends better to that.

    I reckon I could end up your way in a few years, we love it there but Uncle is selling his place in Kangaloon so our time there is drawing in ;(

  8. Right I’m leaving my McMansion and plunge pool in the burbs and moving down south just as soon as I find a tiny piece of land to rebuild my McMansion and plunge pool.

  9. It looks like Autumn has well and truly arrived where you are. I can’t wait to feel it properly down her in Adelaide.

  10. I can just about smell and feel the crispness in the air. Great pics and happy weekending!

  11. You know I spent 25 years bewildered by the sunrising. I wasn’t a sunset person at all.
    Then since my birthday I’ve been really into sunsets. The colours are gorgeous, and I always new that (but believed a sunrise was more breath taking) but there is something about them. The pull of a closing, and end.
    I think I could spend my life walking over crunching leaves, listening to the soft moo’s of the cattle settling in for the night as I watch the sunset on the horizon.

    You really have a beautiful slice of the world there.

  12. there is something about the last light of the day. I feel the same about the sun that kisses the ocean in the morning. beautiful images. x

  13. An afternoon at the pub followed by a walk with sights like that!? Could life be any more perfect?
    Stunning pictures

  14. I tend to agree lady, sometimes the end of the day is just like a magnificent gift and you want to stop and appreciate every minute of it. Looks like that’s exactly what you do. Beautiful pics. We enjoy an early evening walk around these parts too xo

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