There was a time {not all that long ago} when mornings used to be frantic. Stressful. Panicked. A whirlwind of getting kids dressed, getting ready for work, getting make up on, getting bags packed, and food for the car on the way to daycare and work because there just weren’t enough minutes before we had to quickly get out the door. There was a time when Rob was shooting his TV show and I was 7 months pregnant when I had to get Daisy and I out the door all before 7am so we could get to daycare to drop her off at 7am and then drive across town to my work by 8am so I could leave at 4.30 to be there by 5pm to give us a chance to get her into bed around 7.30pm. 4 days a week. It was so stressful. I seriously get shivers and a twitchy eye when I think about that time. Running, running, running late for no particular important date. Just life.
On Mondays and Tuesdays I try and make breakfast a time to sit around with the girls. Talk about what we have planned for the day, have something to eat, a cup of tea and just be. Not rush. Not say “hurry up” once and just enjoy the start of the day.
These days are different, no doubt, and there isn’t one morning that I don’t thank my lucky stars that this is what my mornings look like now.
I adore your tea pot. And that last photo with the jammy toast is making me all kinds of hungry. Mornings seriously are the best part of the day xxx
I’m feeling green, and not the Shade of that beautiful teapot- more the green eyed monster type.
beautiful. I love that you chose this lifestyle, because how you got there or how you did it does not matter. you did it.
I am always saying its a lifestyle choice, you may live with less, but gain more. Or maybe you have both, I don’t know. I just think its wonderful you can do this with your children. It is lovely.
We live with less, and so, I also get to do this with my children. slowing it down in a fast world…
I love everything about the look of your morning…
I’ve JUST drafted a post on how I envy stay-at-home mums and how my choice to work affects my family life. Beeeeeeauuutiful reflection, gorgeous photos. You’re enjoying just being in the moment. Your babies will love you for it.
Ben-envy has progressed. xx
You are very inspiring. Our breakfast is usually old boring cereal and toast. Although Miss 3 does love the occasional egg in a cup. We too, try to sit down and have breakfast together, a nice peaceful start to the day. Doesn’t always work but most of the time is good. x
Ps…love how the ‘lucky duck’ plate ties in so nicely with your words. ๐
I love being able to sit and have breakfast with my kids. Looks just lovely at your place! x
I too love the lazy days as I call them, the days we choose not to exit in a hurry and often end up not going anywhere at all…. You have me pooing my pants that my work choice to come will have me missing these mornings….we will see and if so I will just enjoy them through you instead ๐
That looks like the best morning ever. I’m going to try to have more mornings like this, thanks Beth!
Rach x
Love it.
And I bet your girls do too.
It certainly is nice to have time to spend with your family. Time with your children is so precious and you will never regret spending this time with them.
You know I thought this morning as I dashed out the door without kissing anyone because I was late for work… there must be a better way?! I am fed up with rushing too. I would love to be able to leisurely take the kids to school and then go back HOME to work. One day. I must say lovely plates and breakie… ooo I am hungry. Lou xx
We are enjoying every precious moment of mornings like this before Amy starts school next year! Please tell me you save your Bonne Maman jam jars and are willing to donate/exchange for all sorts of favours with a person like me? I love them!
Oh Beth, you’re bringing back flashbacks of our life in Sydney. Please stop! We’re enjoying Hobart’s gentler pace, I must say. And snap! We have the same teapot โบ. J x
Have I told you how jealous I am of your life? It’s not a good look on me, but I just can’t help myself.
delicious pictures. perfecto start to another day in paradise!
i’m the queen of sloooooow (although some may call it lazy)?!
can I come and live with you…helen
Great post and like others I love that teapot – what brand of teapot is it? It’s gorgeous.
Hi Leah, I just checked the bottom of the teapot and it is called ETHOS. I picked it up from a homewares store for $19.95 – bargain! Great colour isn’t it?
I love your butter dish…how shallow is that? hahaha I don’t have kids (yet) and I still hate the morning rush! I used to work from home on our farm, I miss that something chronic. Chronic!
Oh, my! I used to have mornings like you used to have! I cringe and regret all the years I missed with my boy. Times have changed, and now the only “hurry up”-ing that goes on is when he has taken over 45 minutes to get dressed for school!!
Thanks for the teapot tip. It’s a beauty. You are a lucky duck and so are your girls! I’m loving my big kids walking to school so I can keep pj’s on with the youngest for longer!
Oh I remember that time, I used to feel for you, so much lady. But you have almost described my life now… but only 2 days a week… thank heavens!
Love the pics, gorgeous images… breakfast is a favourite time of mine on the non-work days also xo
Thanks for the info re the teapot. Only recently discovered your blog & love it.